
Showing posts from March, 2017

Petrosino, A. J. and Mann, M. (in press) Data Modeling for Pre-Service Teachers and Everyone Else- Journal of College Science Teaching

Stevens Institute of Technology- Hoboken NJ  Dear Dr. Petrosino and Ms. Mann: Thank you for your careful revisions of Manuscript ID 2016-Oct-JCST-F-1101.R1 entitled "Data Modeling for Pre-Service Teachers and Everyone Else" which you submitted to the Journal of College Science Teaching.  The reviewers have recently completed their evaluation of the your revised manuscript. The response of our reviewers was positive. However, some of the reviewers feel that the impact of your work will benefit from additional modest modifications. Please consider making small changes in light of the comments and suggestions I've included below. Please make changes within the manuscript for the benefit of all future readers, rather than (solely) addressing questions and comments made by the reviewers. To submit your revised manuscript, log into  http://mc.manuscriptcentral. com/nsx xxx  and enter your Author Center, where you will find your manuscript title listed under "Manuscripts wi

Texas betrays teachers, children- Dana Glossbrenner, Special to the Standard-Times

Dana Glossbrenner Sometimes it is worth noting how teachers from around the country are compensated during their career as well as once they retire. This opinion piece by a retired Texas school teacher shows that in some states the decision to be a career teacher comes with some specific economic concerns. -Dr. Petrosino  Noting the priorities of our state legislators, I’m ready for a regime change, because current priorities stink. Treatment of retired teachers, coupled with Texas’s low nationwide educational ranking, speaks volumes about how much our legislators care about education, child welfare and human needs. Yet Texas is a wealthy state. The latest outrage: The Legislature is systematically stripping retired teachers of retirement benefits. Senate bills 1750 and 1751 , introduced by Republican Paul Bettencourt , will begin the process of rolling the retired teachers' pension fund, TRS, into a 401(k) arrangement. Given how little trust exists, it’s probably a shell

Move Over, St. Patrick: St. Joseph's Feast Is When Italians Parade

Giorgio's Italian & French Pastry Shop - Hoboken, NJ 2017 The St. Patrick's parade is over and the Irish (and honorary Irish) have gone home to sleep off their annual bout of intemperance , but the multi-generational marchers of the Italian-American St. Joseph Society in New Orleans are only just dusting off their tuxedos and straightening their bow ties. Once the shamrocks and shenanigans have vanished from the narrow streets of the French Quarter, and the keg of green beer is empty, another parade — in honor of an entirely different saint — is beginning to gear up. Every year on the Saturday nearest March 19, Italian-American Catholic revelers flood the streets in honor of the Feast of St. Joseph, the patron saint of Sicily. The differences between the St. Patrick's Day festivities and the St. Joseph's Day parade are unmistakable. Instead of green, St. Joseph's marchers wear red . Instead of shamrocks, they carry lucky fava beans. The parade in New


Thursday, March 16, 2017 REGULAR MEETING + ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET HOBOKEN BOARD OF EDUCATION 158 FOURTH STREET, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 MEETING HELD IN DEMAREST AUDITORIUM, 158 FOURTH STREET 7:00 P.M. Items of General Interest: 2.01- Student of the Month 2.02- Teacher of the Year 9.07- Appointment of Middle School Principal 9.19- Approval of Staff for Musical Production of Peter Pan 10.11- Approval of a Tentative Budget for 2017-2018 (see below)   HBOE March 2017 by Anthony Petrosino on Scribd   Tentative Budget Approval Backup (Hoboken 2017-2018) by Anthony Petrosino on Scribd

The University of Texas at Austin's College of Education Ranked 4th Among Public and 11th Overall Nationally for 2018 by US News and World Report

The University of Texas at Austin has more than 40 graduate programs ranked among the top 10 in the nation and four programs ranked No. 1, according to U.S. News & World Report's 2018 edition of "Best Graduate Schools," released this week. U.S. News & World Report’s graduate rankings, separate from the magazine's yearly ranking of undergraduate programs, are among the most widely regarded ratings in higher education. They are based on surveys of academic leaders and, for select programs, additional quantitative measures including placement test scores, student/faculty ratios, research expenditures and job placement success. The College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin is ranked 11th nationally (No. 4 among publics) , with four specializations in the top 10. Administration/Supervision – 6th Curriculum/Instruction – 8th Education Policy – 16th Educational Psychology – 8th Elementary Teacher Education – 12th Secondary Teacher Education – 11th S

Petrosino, A. J. and Mann, M. (in press). The Challenges of Fluid Density. Journal of Continuing Education and Professional Development

The Journal of Continuing Education and Professional Development is a peer-reviewed international journal in the general field of continuing education and professional development. It tries to provide a platform to scientists, engineers, educators, and policy makers to discuss new discoveries on continuing education, lifelong learning, and professional development. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Curriculum design, Virtual laboratories, Interactive knowledge media, New technologies, Team learning, Competency assessment, Policy making, Challenges and trends. Index- Academic OneFile, EBSCO, Google Scholar Dear Dr. Petrosino, I am pleased to inform you that your paper The Challenges of Fluid Density has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Continuing Education and Professional Development. Please submit your final proof (WORD file) at The format guidelines are listed at

STEM Faculty and Doctoral Students Thrill Elementary Children and Families with "Cloud in a Bottle" Session During Explore UT Day

Passing along a little write up that was done centering around some outreach efforts from ongoing research projects I have. Incredible effort pedagogically and content wise by doctoral students Jason Harron, Sneha Tharayil, Sarah Jenevein, and Wan Sin Lim. Some of this work is funded by the National Science Foundation. -Dr. Petrosino A s a reputed institution of public higher education, exploration is fundamental to a university's mission. This ideal though is not only reserved for the daily pursuits of faculty, staff, and students, but researchers revel in sharing it with the wider community. Nothing exemplifies this more than UT’s annual  Explore UT day , where people from all corners of Texas are invited to explore what Longhorns are exploring. This year, Explore UT day was held on Saturday March 4th, 2017. Among those excited to welcome our visitors and share with them the work they’re doing at UT was  Dr. AnthonyPetrosino  a learning scientist in the College of Education'

Development of Museum Learning Experience Using Virtual Reality and Mobile Devices (Harron, Petrosino, and Jenevein, 2017)

T he following is a paper I will be presenting at the 28th Annual meeting of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. It is research I have been conducing with two incredible doctoral students over the past 12-18 months. We are now in the process of a followup study as well as writing up some additional data for another publication. SITE–Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education promotes the development and dissemination of theoretical knowledge, conceptual research, and professional practice knowledge through the SITE conference, books, collaborative projects with other organizations, and the  Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. SITE (founded in 1990) is a society of  AACE–Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education . AACE (founded in 1981) is an international, educational, and professional organization dedicated to the advancement of the knowledge, theory and quality of learning and teaching at all levels with inform