
Showing posts from June, 2018

NJDOE Reports Per Pupil Costs in Hoboken Traditional Public Schools at $28,217; $12,494 Allocated for Students Enrolled in Hoboken's Charter Schools for 2018-19

Data for the 2015-16 school year- released April 2017 According to an April 2017 report published on  and referencing data from the 2017  NJDOE Taxpayers Guide to Educational Spending , the Hoboken City (traditional public schools) school system had a budget of $67.6 million and was the most expensive district in Hudson County at $28,217 per pupil (see Figure 1). You can look up the data to Hoboken City as well as any other district by clicking HERE  or directly from the NJDOE's Taxpayers Guide to Educational Spending . Using financial data from the most recent Hoboken Board of Education budget for the 2018-19 school year (see Tables 1 and 2 below and full document), I was asked to roughly calculate the per pupil cost for students enrolled in the 3 charter schools in Hoboken.  For 2018-19 there will be a total of  779 charter school children in Hoboken according to documents distributed by Hoboken Board of Education (see  18 19 Budget Q and A_05 01 18vFINAL ) .  For 201

Gerald Fitzhugh Chosen as Newark Deputy Superintendent

According to a recent story entitled " Flexing its new authority, Newark school board blocks some staffing changes sought by incoming superintendent " in  Chalkbeat, incoming Newark Superintendent Roger León has chosen  former Newark principal Gerald Fitzhu g h as his deputy superintendent.  

No Evidence to Back Idea of Learning Styles

Learning Styles is Simply Not Supported by Science An  open letter  signed by 30 leading neuroscientists, cognitive scientists, psychologists and other prominent researchers and scholars declares that there is no evidence to support the notion that individual student learning styles exist such as the so-called "visual," "audio" or "kinesthetic" styles commonly identified by teachers . So why does "learning style" theory persist? First, it has a lot of intuitive appeal - when we see, for example, students who've been raised on digital technologies constantly staring at their screens, it's very easy and natural to assume that they would learn best via visual, screen-based modalities ( it's not true ).  Another reason the learning style myth has been so persistent is that when educators talk to students about their supposed "learning style," insofar as it causes students to think and reflect on how they actually learn, it can h

Full Agenda- Hoboken Board of Education Meeting June 26th 5PM

  June 2018 HBOE Meeting by Anthony Petrosino on Scribd

NJDOE Hoboken High School Performance Report 2016-17 (Released January 2018)

Hoboken High School, Hoboken, NJ  In January of 2018, the state Department of Education released its annual School Performance Reports for 2016-17 . The reports, which are required by the federal government, were released in January and are intended to provide a comprehensive overview of data for public schools locally and statewide.  Attached below is the most recent report for Hoboken High School in Hoboken, NJ a school where I taught when I was a teacher.  Federal law requires the state to assign each school a rating based on a few key measures such as proficiency ratings on standardized tests, student growth, and graduation and absenteeism rates. The rating formula, while just one part of each school's overall performance, is intended to determine which schools are most in need of improvement. New this year are one-page Summary Reports providing easy-to-read highlights of each school based on data for the most recently completed school year. The Summary Reports, according to th

Brandt School Receives Recognition For Their Implementation of Project Lead the Way

Congratulations to  Joseph F Brandt No 2  School as they receive a Distinguished School award for STEM Learning.  Congratulations to the teachers, parents, as well as the building and district administrators involved.  Certainly a wonderful day to enjoy the accomplishments of the young students in the district as they develop interest in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  

Hoboken High School Ranked 44th out of 45 Similar "FG" District High Schools in NJ on 2018 Composite SAT Score

Hoboken High School  Preamble: A previous post indicated that Hoboken High School recently ranked 334th out of 387 New Jersey High Schools on the composite SAT (mathematics + reading). Some readers wondered how does Hoboken High School compare with like or similar districts? The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has a categorization system to assist in this task-- it is known as the district factor group. This post will examine how Hoboken High School compares to other district high schools in its own district factor group of "FG" on 2018 composite SAT scores.  Summary:  Among  similar districts  as designated by the New Jersey Department of Education, Hoboken High School 's  composite SAT score of 935 places the school 44th out of 45 FG high schools in the State of New Jersey for 2018. The mean composite score for FG districts was 1105 with a standard deviation of 50.57. Hoboken High School's score of 935 equates to a z-score of -3.366 which is more than

Hoboken High School Ranked 334th out of 387 NJ High Schools on 2018 Composite SAT Scores

Church Square Park- Hoboken, NJ The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is still considered the primary standardized test that judges a student's college qualifications and a major criteria for accessing college readieness . put together a list of each New Jersey high school's average 2017 scores that the New Jersey Department of Education released in February of 2018 * , and ranked the high schools from top to bottom. Patch compiled SAT scores in the two sections identified as "math" and "reading and writing." Below is the combined average score of each school, ranked highest to lowest. Perfect would be a combined 1600, or 800 in each section (the average scores were 552 for math and 551 for reading and writing for all New Jersey high schools).  Hoboken High School now ranks 334th out of 387 high schools in New Jersey with a combined SAT composite score of 935. It is important to note that the Hoboken School District is around 50% FRL-eligible