Hoboken High School In Crisis - District and School Adminstration Questioned; Hoboken Reporter claims: "She also said she had told a school official in the past that she had had problems with the boys"

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The following is a post by the HUDSON COUNTY  CHRONICLES which is a local news site that attempts to distribute information and news of various things going on and taking place in Hudson County, New Jersey. This post asks the administration and district leadership of Hoboken High School and the Hoboken Board of Education for more information concerning the incident and asks for a public hearing. 

The most recent post centers on an alleged sexual assault/rape that occurred in Hoboken High School during the school day on November 30, 2017. This assault came a year after a previous assault in the school of a 12 year old female who was fondled in a supposedly secured elevator. Despite media coverage from WCBS, WNBC, WABC, and NEWS12-NJ, there has been little to no interaction between the district administration and the media although evidently a joint email was sent to some district parents sometime after news of this incident hit the Tri-State metropolitan area this past week by the Hoboken Superintendent, the Hoboken High School Principal, and the President of the Hoboken Board of Education. -Dr. Petrosino

The alleged sexual assault that took place on the Hoboken High School campus on November 30th caught most off guard.

The Hudson County Chronicles has been following this story for more than a few days, presently there are many unanswered questions concerning this case.

What we have learned is four male students are facing serious charges and one is being charged as an adult; the victim is also being vilified on social media. Lives will forever be affected by this incident regardless of the outcome.

This incident was first publicly revealed yesterday. How could the Administration not make the students' parents of Hoboken High School aware of these very serious allegations?

The Hoboken High School Administration led by Dr. Christine Johnson has failed the students and their families. Every parent should believe that their children's school is a protected safe haven for them.

Parents have the right to know immediately when anything has taken place which impacts the public safety of their children.

In the coming days, we must not pass judgment on the victim or the alleged perpetrators. The judicial system must be allowed to provide a fair and equitable investigation.

The parents, with the support of all residents of Hoboken, must demand answers from the Hoboken BOE, and the Administration. Public hearings must be conducted in which residents can seek answers on why the leadership of its educational system failed to notify the parents this incident in more timely manner.



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