Hoboken High School's "Great Schools" December 2017 Analysis- Test Scores- (rank 2 out of 10): Very concerning: College Readiness (rank 3 out of 10): A worrisome sign; Equity Overview (rank 1 out of 10): Very concerning

Sometimes there is a need for objective, third party evaluation of a particular situation. This is especially true of schools and school systems. Administrators often paint glowing and overly positive portraits of the work they are conducting while pundits sometimes are criticized for being over zealous in their criticism. The public school district in Hoboken, NJ is one such example that we will look at today. Administrators claim progress while pundits claim systemic and chronic problems on many different levels including academics and equity. 

Great Schools is an independent organization and rates schools all over the country on a number of different areas that are important in terms of offering a quality educational experience for students and families. Great Schools ranks schools in 3 main areas: ACADEMICS, EQUITY, and ENVIRONMENT. Each of these areas have a number of subcategories. Specifically, ACADEMICS: test scores, college readiness, and student progress; EQUITY: equity overview, race/ethnicity, low income students, and students with disabilities; and ENVIRONMENT: students, discipline and attendance, teachers and staff, and neighborhood. The site generally ranks from 1-10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. The site also offers a brief objective and data driven narrative analysis. 

What follows is GREAT SCHOOLS latest assessment of Hoboken High School in Hoboken, NJ. The data is presented without commentary. And to reiterate, the data and narrative is compiled by an independent and objective 3rd party and is done for most schools (public and charter) across not only Hudson County, or New Jersey but across the entire country. 

HOBOKEN HIGH SCHOOL (as of December 2017): Overall Ranking is 2 out of 10 (where 10 is the highest)

Test Scores- (rank 2 out of 10): Very concerning: Test scores at this school fall far below the state average. This suggests that students at this school are likely not performing at grade level.

College Readiness (rank 3 out of 10): A worrisome sign: This school is below the state average in key measures of college and career readiness. (Remember: high graduation rates don't mean much if students are graduating without the coursework and test scores they need to succeed.)

Student Progress (rank 2 out of 10): Very concerning: Students at this school are making far less academic progress given where they were last year, compared to similar students in the state. Very low progress with low test scores means students are starting at a low point and falling even farther behind their peers.

This rating measures how much students at this school improved from one year to the next, compared to students with similar proficiency levels at other schools in the state. 

Equity Overview (rank 1 out of 10): Very concerning:  Disadvantaged students at this school may be falling far behind other students in the state, and this school may have large achievement gaps.

Race/Ethnicity: Various rankings-- see graphic below but a summary would be a ranking of 2 out of 10 for ALL students; a ranking of 2 out of 10 for HISPANIC students, a ranking of 1 out of 10 for BLACK students, and a ranking of 6 out of 10 for WHITE students. 

Low Income Students: (rank 2 out of 10): Very concerning:
Test scores for low income students at this school fall far below the state average for all students.

Hopefully this analysis will provide some information for those people attempting to make sense of the many different inputs they are receiving concerning the academic and equity issues at Hoboken High School in Hoboken, NJ. There is also plenty of data available at the New Jersey Department of Education's website. 


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